I am 8 months pregnant and my husband’s grandmother is against me having a child. I heard what they were talking about me, now I don’t know what to do

I understand very well that people don’t want to see the other happy and loved, but should there be so
much hatred between a wife and a mother?

We did not have a child for two years, thinking that we would move out of the country and that the
move would be very difficult during pregnancy. But when we saw that we are not going yet, we decided
to have a child.

Now I am eight months pregnant, I am in one of the most difficult stages and I am thinking about myself
and my child. But there is something else besides these thoughts.

My husband’s grandmother is against us having a child. He says that the child will prevent his grandson
from moving to another country. Every time he sees me, he regrets that I am pregnant.

That day, I
happened to hear her say that she thought she wouldn’t have a baby, but she was healthy, and the baby
will be born soon and will completely interfere with the boy’s work.

How can a grandmother wish so badly for her grandson, I am simply amazed.

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