She goes to a luxury restaurant but does not finish the meal: she puts the leftovers in a container that
she had brought from home

Food is always a blessing and should never be wasted. This is why more and more restaurants around
the world are offering to prepare the «doggy bag» for those who cannot finish their dinner: it is the
traditional cardboard bag containing the remains of the meal that has just been consumed. . Thus, it is
possible to finish these delicious meals by reheating them at home for lunch or dinner the next day.
There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s environmentally friendly and economical.

A smart young woman from Lima, Peru knows this very well. We tell you what she did. The scene was
shared on TikTok by user Faby Cruzado. According to the explanation of the video, the young woman
was in a posh restaurant to celebrate her birthday: the tryst had been organized by her boyfriend.
«When you take her to an expensive restaurant,» reads the video description of how the evening
unfolded. The couple dined at the restaurant, but it seems the stew was too much for them, as they
couldn’t finish.

What is striking is that the young girl apparently already had in mind what she had to do, because in the
sequence, she shows a mischievous expression on her face and does not seem in the least embarrassed.
The clip, which lasts only 11 seconds, shows the young woman carelessly taking out of her handbag a
«refrigerant» container that she had brought from home to fill it completely. After realizing that she was
caught by the cell phone camera, she smiled, amused by her decision. The video immediately went viral,
garnering hundreds of thousands of views and likes from viewers. “This girl is a rival of my mother!”
quipped a surfer. “Kudos for two things: first because you are taking care of the environment by not
using the bag and second because the food is not wasted,” wrote another.

Others advised her boyfriend not to let this girl go: «She’s the one». She will take care of the household
savings,” one user noted.

And you what do you think ? Would you ever do such a thing?

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