ՀՐԱSԱՊ LՈՒՐ Երաuխից. Ունենք զпh
Shamshyan.com-ը գրում է.
Դեկտեմբերի 22-ին, ողբերգական դեպք է տեղի ունեցել Երասխում զոհ ունենք․․․

Shamshyan.com writes:
On December 22, a tragic accident took place in Ararat Marz…
Around 11:30 a.m., a “VAZ 2121” car and an Iveco truck collided in the Yeraskh administrative area of the Yerevan-Yerask highway…
As photojournalist Gagik Shamshyan reports from the scene, as a result of the accident, the driver and passenger of Niva were taken out of the car with the help of citizens and taken to “Ararat” medical center…
1 combat unit from Ararat fire-rescue squad No. 24 of the Rescue Service of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs arrived at the scene. The team of emergency doctors of “Ararat” medical center acted promptly and provided first aid to the wounded before taking them to the hospital.
While the patrols were on duty at the scene, an alert was received from the “Ararat” medical center to the Ararat police department that one of the injured died in an ambulance on the way to the Yerevan hospital…
As a result of the accident, a criminal proceeding was initiated in the Ararat Marz Investigation Department, where the identity of the drivers, the deceased and the injured were revealed…
According to the investigator’s instructions, the cars are moved to a special area guarded by the Ararat police department…