I took my mother to the nursing home with my own hands and I did well, so don’t be self-righteous in the comments. my wife and child are more important to me.

My wife was already an old woman and she needs a special kind of care, neither I nor my wife can sit next to her all day. Well, my child was also small, they stay with my mother-in-law. My wife and I work day and night to create a house and a place, and no one can run after my mother all day. The old age home is there to provide the elderly with special care.

I know that they will start harassing me right away, they will write whatever they want in the comments. But this is not their life, it is my life, and I want to live humanely. I will not keep my mother all my life. I also want to buy a house, a car, for that I need money, and we earn money by working. If I sit at home all day, or give money for medicines, I can’t achieve anything.

My wife also complains, she says, if you want me to stay by your side, not take the child and go to my father’s house, send your mother to a nursing home. Well, I don’t want to lose my family either, my wife and child are more important to me.

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