My second husband is still tormented by one thought and because of this he cannot devote himself to me. What can I do to make him forget this fact and live normally with me?

I broke up with my first husband five years ago, he was a terrible person, I was young and not
understanding, I took a step without hesitation. After a short time, I realized that we are not for each
other. We constantly quarreled with each other, family life turned into real chaos. We didn’t even want
to sleep in the same room because we were tired of each other.

I could not live long in this environment and decided to leave and live as a man. A few years later, I
remarried. My second husband knew that I had already been married once and divorced. From the very
beginning he said that this was not a problem for him, and when we got married, he began to ask
questions to my first husband. To understand how we were with each other, how we could live

I understand that these thoughts haunt him and he cannot devote himself to me, I would really like to
leave this time, but it’s already a shame what they think of me. There is only one option left — to accept
and move on.

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