I could not walk when I proposed to this girl and was rejected. After 12 years, see where we met. Life is a boomerang

I was in a wheelchair, I couldn’t move on my own because of a car accident that happened to me.

Years ago I fell in love with a girl and wanted to marry her. I ignored everything and made a proposal.

I thought that he is full of sincere feelings and it is impossible for him to reject me, because I always heard good words from him. In short, I made the proposal and to my surprise, I was rejected.

Years later, when I was already walking, I met a woman who could barely drag her feet. I somehow recognized him from his face: it was him, my ex-lover. I was walking in the park with my children, I couldn’t talk for a long time, I just approached and said something.

  • Life is a boomerang, always remember this.

That was enough for him, I have nothing else to say. Not everyone can be by your side in times of difficulty.

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