Exhausted Mom Writes Letter Asking Her Husband To Help Her With The Kids

Deciding to bring a child into the world has its pros and cons, there’s no denying that. Beyond the joy of
a new life that is born and will grow in his hands, a new parent must think about the practical and daily
aspects of caring for a little being. Here, therefore, happiness can sometimes give way to fatigue, to the
fear of not being able to manage everything and thus somewhat obscure the beauty of the moment. On
the other hand, if there are two of us and it is not just one of the parents who has to take care of the
newborn, everything can become easier.

This is exactly what the woman we want to tell you about tried to convey to her husband. A mother
who, tired and exhausted above all by lack of sleep, decided to put her problem on paper and share it
with her husband. Celeste Yvonne is a writer and mother who became famous for having published a
letter that she written for her husband. In the many lines that make it up, she addresses her partner,
calling for help. A mother of 2, a hard worker and tireless manager of the home, she reached such a
breaking point that she decided to ask for more support.

«Hello my husband, I need more help, she begins in the letter. Last night was very difficult: I needed to
sleep, but our baby kept crying. I entrusted him to your care, and yet I felt that he did not stop, until,
without saying a word to me, you decided to take him to the room where I was trying to rest, to put him
in the cradle and leave, once again leaving it to me to calm him.» A gesture for which the woman
decided to speak — or rather to write in this case, a move in which she felt more comfortable — to avoid
the beginning of a complete lack of communication between her and her partner.

She wasn’t just talking
about rest; in his message there was a general request for help, even with practical things to do during
the day. Take care of the child as soon as he wakes up, accompany him to the toilet, prepare him and
gather useful things for school: so many actions that almost seemed to be a maternal «duty».

«If you help me, I can take a moment for myself, writes Celeste. I can have a cup of coffee, prepare lunch
for everyone more calmly, I also need to have a few hours to myself on the weekend -end, so I can take
charge of my life and feel like a person again. And then, she continues, I would like to have a little
gratitude from you. Look at what I do and thank me from time to time. time, I need it. My call for
support is urgent: if I continue like this, sooner or later, I will collapse and it will be a problem for all of

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