“My children are 10 and 12, but they still sleep in the bed with me”

Each parent chooses the way he thinks is the right way to bring up a child and tries to give him the
guidelines with which he most agrees. This implies that all families are different and each has its own
habits. Is it necessary to say which are the most correct and which are not? In reality, there are no rules
to follow in these cases, rather let’s say that there are more common situations, but no one can say for
sure if one way is good rather than another.

This is why the mother we want to talk to you about felt authorized to defend her choice with regard to
her children and asked not to be judged for the habit she had adopted since the birth of the little ones.
Bernie Watkins lives in Spain. A 49-year-old mother, she was at the center of a heated controversy for
saying that her two children, a boy and a girl, still sleep in bed with her. This is not something that
happens infrequently: for one reason or another, many parents give their children permission to be in
bed with one or the other or both.

What in this case caused perplexity was the age of the children: Frankie is 10 years old, while Caden is

  1. A period before adolescence and which for many should almost see a detachment, in certain habits,
    of mum and dad.0 The news therefore sparked a lively debate and divided opinions. If on the one hand
    there are those who do not consider this habit so strange, on the other there are those who think that it
    is not normal. So it is here that this mother decided to explain herself.

«I am a single mother and since they were small my children have always slept with me, she says, they
each have their own room and are free to choose where they want to spend the night, but until now ,
they didn’t want to give up on our ritual. We like to spend the moment before we sleep together,» she
continued. «At lunchtime we don’t see each other and we each have our own things, but in the evening
when we go to bed we talk a lot, we talk about the things we’ve done and we cuddle. It’s our moment
and we’re not ready to give it up yet.»

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