ՑԱՎԱԼԻ Է. Երկրի վրщյիg մի մшրդ է պшկшuել ` իր բшրի աչքերը թողնելով uրտիu մեջ…

My, our, everyone’s Hero…

Happy heroic birthday my Aren Malaqyan ssssss 21st birthday!

After becoming immortal, people just leave the earth. They continue to love us from heaven…

Your loss has made us half-hearted. One day I woke up and realized that something is wrong, it’s not like yesterday.

A piece of my soul has been torn away and gone far so that I don’t live with him, live with him…

A man has disappeared from the earth, leaving his kind eyes in my heart. I will always remember you more and more…

Homage to our Armenians who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the motherland.

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