One day, a man 20 years older than me proposed that I become his wife. and I gave such an answer
that he probably had never received such an answer in his life

I am a woman in my forties, but I don’t have a family. I dedicated my whole life to work and career and
forgot about starting a family. Although I really want it now, I understand that time has passed and I
won’t bring anything back.

Of course, so far I am a sympathetic woman. I constantly feel the looks and warm attitude of men of
different ages towards me. However, I understand that the proposals do not contain seriousness, they
are not for long-term and stable relations.

Along with all this, sometimes there are such rude and disgusting offers that I simply could not imagine
that such things would ever be said to me. One of those cases once happened in a shop when a rich old
man came and offered to be his wife or I don’t know maybe his mistress. He said he would give me the
best life, that I wouldn’t even have to work and treat me like a queen.
I don’t know how anyone else would react to this abnormal offer, but I was really disgusted and also so
surprised that I couldn’t answer anything. Next time He made his vulgar suggestions again and I
embarrassed him by stressing about our age difference several times.

Even that didn’t stop him. I felt
that I would not understand by explaining normally and scared him, saying that if he does not stay away
from me, his issues will be solved by my brothers.

From that day on, my wealthy and confident admirer left and never came back. I wonder how people
can allow themselves to be disrespected like that…

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