He publishes disgusting photos of the kitchen of the restaurant where he works and is fired on the

Working in a restaurant is never easy and we often hear about waiters who advise against going to
dinner in such and such a place. The reason ? They see all sorts of things in certain kitchens, and they
wouldn’t even advise their worst enemy to eat there. Let’s say that, unfortunately, there are a few
restaurants and bars that pretend to respect hygiene standards and only offer their customers poor
quality products and ingredients, but this is fortunately not the norm. It is also clear that employees who
publicly attempt to expose these wrongdoings and warn all potential customers are doomed to lose
their jobs forever. Such was the fate of a Twitter user named «nick», who wanted to post photos of the
restaurant where he worked, revealing some very unsavory scenes in the kitchen.

Twitter user «nick»
showed the world what the ice cream machine where he worked actually looked like, and the disgusting
floors stained and encrusted with food and who knows what other substance. Scary photos that
probably would’ve been enough to shut down the place and, in turn, cost that employee’s dismissal.
Not that the path to dismissal was unpredictable, but what to do in such cases? Accept with closed eyes
all the situations of injustice that are imposed on us or react, for the good of all, despite the stakes?

understand that this beautiful speech is not always applicable to all situations, despite the good
intentions behind it. So no one will judge these kinds of personal choices, but letting customers eat bad
ingredients, badly preserved or even often in contact with machines that are always dirty and encrusted,
is really difficult. Nick’s ethics, in this case, took over. The man posted several photos that very well
illustrate the «behind the scenes» of the restaurant world, or at least a small part of it (we don’t want to
generalize, we are convinced that many places respect the hygiene rules in force and do everything to
offer quality in their services).

We are sorry that this guy was fired on the spot, but we hope that his action opened the eyes of the
customers of this restaurant: the next time, they will think twice before going to eat there!

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