A pilot dedicates a message to his parents during the flight: «Thank you for everything, without you I
would not be here»

Many of us know that when traveling by plane, there are certain customs that must be observed. Once
on board, for example, we receive all the necessary instructions for the flight and, before departure, the
captain takes the floor to introduce himself and wish everyone a pleasant stay on board. Standard
messages that do not differ much from each other, except in small details.

This was not the case for a special flight during which the pilot, but also the son of two of the
passengers, decided to do something splendid for his mum and dad. Let’s find out together what it is.
Jordi Jacas is a young driver based in Madrid who became famous on the web for a video in which he
appears with the two most important people in his life: his parents. The pilot, as is customary, took the
floor to welcome all passengers, but then said he wanted to spend a few moments on something

«I want to share something with all of you,» the man began. «Today’s flight is very special for two people
here and also for me. The two people I’m talking about are my parents, and today is the first time
they’ve taken a flight that I’m the pilot. They are two special people who did everything for me and for
the realization of my dream. The desire that I had as a child turned into a job. It was not easy to achieve,
but now I am here and I wouldn’t change that for anything in the world. So I take this opportunity to
thank my parents for what they did. I’m sure that without them by my side, all of this wouldn’t have
been possible.» With these words sweet and moving, Jordi wished everyone a good flight, while his
father listened attentively to the message and his mother shed a few tears of emotion at the
demonstration of affection he had just received.

Everyone present was moved and applauded the young pilot for this nice gesture towards his parents.
That a son thinks these things is obvious: everyone is aware that without two rocks behind him, he
would never have arrived there, but to hear him say it, what is more in front of so many travelers, has a
completely different effect. And, perhaps, that was exactly what the officer was looking for.

If you want to listen to the full message, click here.

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