She can’t find a babysitter and decides to take her son as an accompanist to the prom.

The birth of a child is a mixture of joys and responsibilities and is sometimes sudden and unexpected. It
happens to become a parent at a very young age, but that does not mean that this experience must
necessarily be experienced as too great a «burden» to bear. A telling example is that of Melissa McCabe,
a young mother from Tranmare, Merseyside, England. Her name has been circulating on various social
media after she said she chose her son Arthur as her school prom attendant after being unable to find a
babysitter for him.

The young woman gave birth at the age of 15 years and has since devoted her life to
raising her child as a single mother. Revealing on TikTok that she decided to have the ball rolling with
her son as her date, Melissa made a video with cute photos of the couple in their evening wear. In
particular, the young woman said, «Everyone goes to prom with their boyfriends, while I brought my
greatest blessing with me.» The video, which has been viewed 1.6 million times, was inundated with
positive comments from users who praised Melissa for being the «best mom» and called Arthur

However, it should be mentioned that the young mother did not always receive positive feedback from
people. «When I found out I was pregnant I was obviously very young. It was difficult because everyone
was telling me that I was wasting my life and that I wouldn’t finish my studies. A lot of people comment
when I’m going out with him,» said the young mother.

«People often think he’s my little brother and
when I tell them he’s my son, their attitude changes completely. Older people find it particularly
disgusting because their thinking is obviously traditional: first marriage, then the kids,” she added.
Fortunately, the young woman was not deterred by the judgment of others and continues to share
tender footage of her and her son on TikTok. In addition, she decided to enroll in the university to study
at the faculty of health and social work.

«My vice principal and tutor, in particular, supported me through it all,» the girl said. «These are the
people who have helped me through the difficult times of motherhood.»

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