She comes back from a trip and runs to kiss her son: she’s got the wrong boy

When you go on a trip and leave your loved ones for a while, sometimes you feel the need to come
home to embrace them again. Sometimes it takes a long time for this to happen, so as the happy event
approaches, emotions can reach very high levels and play tricks.

The mother in this story knows something about it. She made a mistake that amused the entire web,
making her a real star. Let’s find out what it is. In a hilarious video posted on Tik Tok, user Domingo
Mendoza, showed the moment when, while waiting to be reunited with his mother after four years of
absence, he came across a perfect stranger who gave him one of the funniest moments of his life.

You know when, in the movies, we wait in front of the door from which people will come out who have
just arrived at their destination by plane? We assume it does, and that’s when the tension, excitement,
and joy begin to build, only to peak when the man or woman you’ve been waiting for appears. This is
the situation Domingo found himself in, along with many other people, including the son of a woman he
had never seen before.

In the short video, the lady in question is seen stepping out of the door and approaching with open arms
what should have been her son. She throws herself with conviction on a boy, Domingo, who, however,
not knowing her, rather tries to avoid her to go see his real mother. Too bad the woman is literally
running after him and he can’t escape a long and unexpected embrace

. Not knowing what to do, the
young man returns the gesture, before pointing out to the woman that he is not her son and there was
an error. It is only then – and after a few seconds – that the lady realizes her mistake and, apologizing,
walks over to her real son. A hilarious episode, which stunned all of Domingo’s family, of course, but
which also amused them.

Who, indeed, would not let go of a good laugh in front of such a scene? The many netizens who saw the
video agreed that it was a comical situation, and chose to write several comments, many of them ironic:
«I too would have pretended to be wrong to give such a handsome man a hug,» one person wrote.

In short, whether intentional or not does not matter, the result, there is no denying it, was truly
singular. Have you ever found yourself in such a situation?

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