Flight attendant meets her favorite teacher after 30 years: «You changed my life»

The profession of teacher is a delicate profession, but certainly fascinating. A teacher has a crucial
impact on the lives of his students: he is a true source of inspiration and strives daily to inspire his
students to become a better version of themselves. When they succeed, they become special and
unforgettable. This is clearly shown by a video circulating the internet, in which an emotional flight
attendant expresses her gratitude to her teacher, whom she met after 30 years on board a plane.

In the video, flight attendant Lori can be seen speaking into the plane’s microphone and expressing her
gratitude to Ms O’Connell, her former teacher. «Today is National Teachers Day. So we have to thank
the favorite teachers we have had throughout our lives. There I am moved because today I saw the
teacher that I I had in 1990, Mrs O’Connell, who is on that same plane,» she said.

Hearing these words, all the passengers greeted her with a great round of applause. The emotional
stewardess continues: «She is my favorite teacher and I haven’t seen her since 1990. This lady made me
love Shakespeare, she made me play the piano, I have a master’s degree in piano thanks to her, and I
can write an essay. Thank you, Mrs. O’Connell. I love it.» Right after, Lori runs across the hallway to hug
her teacher.

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